There are several ways to get involved in this great cause:
Support a runner by pledging a certain donation per kilometer completed. For example, if you pledge $2.00 per kilometer and your runner finishes the full 100 km, your pledge will be $200.
Fill the form below with all your information, select your favorite and your pledge and submit your pledge.
After the race you will receive an email confirming your pledge total and a link to place your pledge.
You can follow the development of the race with the latest technology. Log into the Google map of the run and track the GPS progress of our runners during their Lima and Arequipa runs.
- Pays for 5 complete medical and dental examinations for impoverished children at great risk of homelessness.
- Helps to pay for a medical and nursing education conference to train Peruvian physicians and nurses in better serving the needs of impoverished communities in Peru.
- Helps to support the development of a coalition of Peruvian and International providers serving the needs of the poor.